25. 08. 2023. 11:31
Kratka tehnika razvezivanja sa ljudima, mestima, objektima...
Zamislite osobu, mesto, objekat za šta god da se svesno osećate vezano a da vam ne čini dobro ta vezanost (mada nijedna vezanost ne čini dobro). Posebno je dobro je primeniti ako nekome nešto zameramo iz sadašnjosti ili prošlosti. I dok gledate u tu osobu, grad, objekat izgovarate mentalno ili naglas sledeće redove:
Blagosiljam te ljubavlju.
Puštam te iz sebe.
Blagodarim na svemu.
Ti i ja smo sada slobodni.
Ponoviti više puta za redom pri jednom prolazu, i više dana za redom, sve dok ne osetite rasterećenje – oslobodođenje.
Može se primeniti i u hodu kad vam natrči neka misao ili scena iz prošlosti koja vas „proganja“ bilo lepa bilo manje lepa, prosto ona koja „tovari“. Nekad i lepe situacije mogu opterećivati jer nisu sada a bile su nekada.
A short technique of disconnecting with people, places, objects...
Think of a person, place, object, whatever you consciously feel attached to that is not doing you any good (although no attachment does any good). It is especially good to apply it if we hold something against someone from the present or the past. And while looking at that person, city, object, mentally or aloud say the following lines:
I bless you with love.
I'm letting you out of me.
Thank you for everything.
You and I are free now.
Repeat several times in a row at one pass, and several days in a row, until you feel relief - liberated.
It can also be applied while you are on the move when a thought or a scene from the past that "haunts" you, be it beautiful or less beautiful, just one that "burdens" you. Sometimes even beautiful situations can be burdensome because they are not now but they were once.
Good luck!