"Vežbaj vežbaj i sve dolazi." / "Practice, practice and everything is comming."
......SRPSKI....... Jogu vežbam više 15ak godina. Nekad intenzivnije, nekad ređe, ali svakodnevno kao neko minimalno istezanje je uvek bilo prisutno. 2020. godine sam pohađala i uspešno završila kurs za instruktora joge. Od tad sam imala zadovoljstvo da je držim polaznicima mog ritrita pod nazivom Svesnovanje, 2022. sam vodila časove u dve osnovne škole u Ukrajini kada sam bila tamo u volonterskoj poseti sa ACT Fondacijom, od proletos vodim časove u Mohanđi centru u Beogradu, a već duži period držim i online časove. Raduje me da su polaznice zadovoljne i da jedva čekaju da nastavimo vežbanje posle letnje pauze.
Časovi nikad nisu isti. Imaju neke iste elemente, poput zagrevanja i nidre, nekad se ponove vežbe, ali pretežno su vrlo raznoliki, vrlo intutivni, osetim grupu ili pojedinca i onda vežbamo kako mi šta dolazi. Nekad uključim i elemente fitnesa jer sam se svojevremeno, 2011. godine takmičila u fitnesu, uvodim i afirmacije tokom nekih asana. Takođe, svesne vežbe disanja (pranajama) su prisutne svakog časa.
S ljubavlju,
I have been practicing yoga for about 15 years. Sometimes more intensively, sometimes less often, but every day as some minimal stretching it was always present. In 2020, I attended and successfully passed the yoga instructor course. Since then, I have had the pleasure of giving it to the participants of my retreat called Awareness, in 2022 I taught classes in two primary schools in Ukraine when I was there on a volunteer visit with the ACT Foundation, since spring 2023. I have been holding yoga classes at the Mohanđi Center in Belgrade and I have been holding online classes for quite a time. I am glad that the participants are satisfied and can't wait to continue practicing after the summer break.
Classes are never the same. They have some of the same elements, such as warm-up and yoga nidra, sometimes the exercises are repeated, but mostly they are very diverse, very intuitive, I feel a group or an individual and then we practice as what comes to me. Sometimes I also include elements of fitness because in 2011 I competed in bodyfitness. I also introduce affirmations during some asanas. Also, conscious breathing exercises (pranayama) are present every class.
With love,